Max Li, from the class of 2023, reflects on his time at the school. Max holds dear the lessons on responsibility and accountability imparted by his teachers. These values have become his guiding principles as he steps into the real world, ready to face new challenges and opportunities.
Alumni Stories – Yinuo Zhang
Yinuo Zhang, class of 2023, cherishes all her BWYA memories, particularly the instances where she was able to unleash her creativity and experiment with entirely different concepts for the broadcasting club, Wolf Bites.
Alumni Stories – Helen Luo
With a short stint in BWYA from?2011 to 2015, Helen Luo graduated with a?double major in Media & Communications and World History in University of Melbourne, Australia.
Alumni Stories – Jessica Zhai
Jessica Zhai has truly been inspired by some of our esteemed teachers, who have helped shape her to continue spreading education and empowering introverted students to step out of their comfort zones, just as she did.
Alumni Stories – Sophie Zhang & Penny Zhang
Sophie Zhang, class of 2022 and Penny Zhang, class of 2023 joined us for a very genuine joint interview where they both shared some meaningful stories about the BWYA community and some poignant advice for our young wolves.
Alumni Stories – Evelyn Jiang
It’s very interesting to hear how Evelyn Jiang 姜瀚提, class of 2021, experimented with different courses and subjects in her first year of university to make sure she is choosing something she truly is passionate about.
Graduation 2024
This year’s DP2 cohort have come to the end of their BWYA student journey, and what a journey it was!
Alumni Stories – Mike He
Mike He recently visited BWYA to have a look around our new campus. He was kind enough to let us ask some questions about his experience at BWYA and he had lots to say!
Alumni Stories – Mark Zhao
When Mark came down to visit us he had some very good advice for the young wolves as well as a very dramatic story about his favourite school trip.
Alumni Stories – Alan Kuo
We were lucky enough to get a visit from our 2015 Graduate Alan Kuo this month who gave us an invaluable insight into what makes BWYA such a great place for learning and what he has been up to since leaving our doors.