ISAC U11’s Volleyball Exchange

We took five fantastic teams for the ISAC end-of-season volleyball exchange on Saturday, the 18th of January. All of the teams played incredibly well and made us very proud.

Happy Holidays Everyone!

No matter what you have planned, we hope everyone has a fantastic couple of weeks’ holiday and you get the rest you all deserve. Have a fantastic time and see you all in the new year!

G2 Pizza Making Experience

Grade 2 had a lot of fun making pizzas this week! Have a watch of the video below to see how much mess they made!

UN Day – 2024

This years UN Day is all about bringing awareness to the UN’s Sustainability Development Goals.

Teachers Day – A Thankyou From All Of Us

This Teachers’ Day we would like to recognise and thank all of our teachers here at BWYA. Without your unending support and unwavering determination, we would not be able to deliver the fantastic standards that we set.

Children’s Day – 2024

Every year BWYA organises a huge water activity day for the Primary school students. The summer sun has really started to shine and there is no better way to celebrate than playing in the water and soaking your teachers!

Spirit Week & The Wolf Cup

Wow, the last couple of weeks have been jam-packed fun for the whole school! It all started with the Wolf Cup to crown the best of the school in football, volleyball, badminton, and basketball.

G4 – G2 Poetry Collaboration

Grade 4 have been learning loads about all different sorts of poetry so they headed down to Grade 2 to share with them what they have learnt.