Love from BWYA Students to Wuhan

This poster design has 2 giant Chinese characters: Jia you, which means: stay strong.Finally, in the center of this poster, “Stay strong, Wuhan” was written in red. This indicates the target audience of this design and deliver the message of supporting the people in Wuhan and the medical staff.
Ryan Han, Grade 10
The poster depicts a medical worker who is dressed in a protection suit, and he is protecting the city of Wuhan. The background in the colour of yellow is because yellow symbolizes warmth and hope, and in this case, it means that in the future the coronavirus will definitely be suppressed and resolved.?
Alysa Zhu, Grade 10

Following closely behind the shock of the virus, has been the warmth and support of China and the world. The medical staff serving on the front lines with boldness and courage. The many other support staff involved in the logistical response. Ordinary men and women of China sending greetings and encouragements from their homes, and now the students of BWYA, showing their love and care.?

As online classes started this week, BWYA and several other international schools had already started working together on a project called #CardsforWuhan. Ms. Loredana Giovanelli and Mr. Byron Kennedy, Service Action (SA) coordinators for the secondary school, along with the middle school Service Action Assistants (SAAs), have been working hard to promote the project amongst the BWYA community. All of the cards made by the students as part of this project will be shared online with students, their families and friends in Wuhan, via an international school in Wuhan. In this way, the #CardsforWuhan project is bringing support to Wuhan from around the world.?

Video by Sakura He, Grade 9