In the beautiful autumn sunshine, BWYA recently held our annual sports day for the secondary school students. Our 4 school houses competed together, with the blue house ultimately coming out as victors, and the yellow and red houses winning the sportsmanship awards for the middle and high schools.

This year, our PE staff worked particularly hard to make the events as inclusive as possible, rather than entirely focusing on the fastest runners or highest jumpers. Speaking with Head of PE, Mr. Mirko Mirkovic, he told us how it had taken ‘a(chǎn) lot of hard work to design different activities that would work with the different student age groups’, but from the students’ feedback after the event, it is clear to see that their hard work very much paid off!

On the day, house teams spent 25 minutes at different stations, with the winner decided as the house whose teams had accumulated the most points from all the stations. Stations included the jump rope challenge, ultimate frisbee, yoga volleyball, dodge ball battle, hula hoops chain, and many many more, all promoting team work and collaboration, as well as physical abilities.

This in turn goes to reflect our school’s stance on healthy living, with PE teachers just as able to coach football, as they are to teach about nutrition and dietetics. In a society where children increasingly spend their free-time engaged in solitary screen-based activities, we at BWYA instead want to impress upon our students the importance of physical activity, healthy living, as well as the benefits of healthy competition.

A big congratulations to all of the students for their fantastic efforts, and well done in particular to the blue house!

*Photo courtesy of Parent Volunteers Ms. Zhang Man and Ms. Li Da, BWYA Students Melanie Gao, Natalie Fang, Eric Xu and Jessica Zhai.